How a Website Overhaul Opened the Door to Rescuing More Victims of Human Trafficking
Sex trafficking is one of the world’s fastest growing crimes. Millions of children are bought and sold daily, and the vile systems designed to take advantage of children at their most vulnerable continue to grow in power. Founded in 2001, Destiny Rescue is a nonprofit organization dedicated to freeing children from sexual exploitation and trafficking and helping them to stay free. The organization focuses its efforts on rescue operations and reintegration programs, working tirelessly to extend freedom to exploited children across the world. With millions of children still waiting to be rescued from sex trafficking, Destiny Rescue needed to sharpen its online presence and connect with more supporters — fast.
Destiny Rescue

Scope of Work
Website Design

Created at Rethink Creative
Since 2001...
Destiny Rescue has saved more than 6,000 individuals in eight countries around the world — but millions are still waiting to be found. So, in 2020, Destiny Rescue set its sights on an ambitious goal to rescue more children than ever before. Expanding the organization’s reach and growing its support network quickly became the number one priority. Unfortunately, one big hurdle stood in the way: the Destiny Rescue website.
Caught up in the daily striving to rescue as many children as possible, Destiny Rescue had put its website on the back burner; the online user experience was lacking and the organization’s awe-inspiring story was easily lost in the clutter.
The blog
Often an afterthought, Destiny Rescue’s blog was actually a focal point of the website redesign. Featuring the stories of undercover rescue agents, news from the frontlines, and moving portrayals of healing and transformation in the lives of rescued children, the blog has become a space worth lingering in.

The video gallery
For years, Destiny Rescue has produced videos and documentaries designed to help donors empathize with victims of child sex trafficking and rise up to take action. Now, they are given the prominence they deserve in a searchable and scalable gallery format that can be easily filtered by topic and type.

Creating a frictionless giving experience
One of the focuses of the Destiny Rescue website project was building a custom giving portal. Using extensive wire-framing as a brainstorming tool, we collaborated with Destiny Rescue’s global design team in the United States, Thailand, New Zealand, and Australia to develop a donation portal that fit the organization’s needs and goals. The result was a page that transformed emotion into action and helped reinforce the importance of giving generously.​​​​​​​
The impact
Launching the new website has created a lot of positive momentum for Destiny Rescue. Not only has the organization greatly improved the way it communicates its global impact, it has also built its credibility. Every day, Destiny Rescue extracts children from dangerous, traumatizing situations and restores them to a brand-new future in which they can be healed and live a full life.
Destiny Rescue’s powerful new website helps tell that story, highlighting the millions of children still in need of rescue — and the organization working tirelessly to bring them to safety.
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